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Should Broadway Be A "No-Drive" Zone?

With increasing scrutiny on safety concerns in Downtown Nashville, one Metro Council member, Robert Swope, is sparking a conversation about shutting Broadway down to cars, at least during peak party hours.

I believe most of downtown should be a no-drive zone. Period. Whether that’s 24-7, 365 or just on the weekends. I don’t know. I’ve been saying the same thing for 6.5 to 7 years now

The proposition of a no-drive zone isn't without challenges. Broadway is a state route and shutting it down even for small periods of time creates an even bigger logjam of traffic on other streets. But with increased foot traffic, a ton of alcohol consumption, and a huge number of vehicles, it may be worth exploring. What do you think? Should Broadway be shut down all the time? On weekends? What would you support?

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