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University of Pittsburgh Believe They Found Potential Coronavirus Vaccine!

It seems there may be a breakthrough in finding a coronavirus vaccine!

Researchers with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, a university experienced in fighting SARS and MERS, said on Thursday that a potential coronavirus vaccine has been proven effective in mice!

Researches say they are ready to start human trials as soon as the federal government gives its approval.

The UPMC team said in a press release:

When tested in mice, the vaccine, delivered through a fingertip-sized patch, produces antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2 at quantities thought to be sufficient for neutralizing the virus

According to Washing Times;

Dr. Louis Falo, chairman of dermatology at Pitt’s School of Medicine, said the vaccine doesn’t even need to be injected with a needle.
“It’s actually pretty painless — it feels kind of like Velcro"

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