Halloween is right around the corner and a family in Dickson, TN has decided to use it to benefit victims of the floods in Waverly/Humphrey county earlier in the year.
This family in Dickson, TN has set up TONS of Halloween decorations throughout their front yard! There's spiders, headstones, tons of lights and much more!
The reason behind the set up is actually really sweet. There's a donation area set up at the beginning where you can place non-perishable food items, Halloween treats, and even Christmas gifts for the families that were affected by the floods earlier in the year!
There are also homemade treats for purchase, where 50% of profits will be donated to the Waverly flood victims!
There is a Facebook page created for the interactive walk through, called 'Ridgecrest Crypt Home Haunt!'
The description on Facebook reads as:
Interactive walk through for our home haunt you’ll be able to see things up close, take pictures with props and costumes, purchase homemade treats. Please park on the street and be respectful of neighbors and others as this is our homeAn appreciation donation area will be set up to collect non perishables, Halloween treats, and Christmas gifts for children affected by the Waverly flood. 50% monetary donations/sales will also go towards flood victims.