Emma Hallberg, a 19-year-old Swedish influencer, grew to fame on Instagram for her selfies and makeup looks. She even has over 193 THOUSAND followers on the social media platform.
Up until recently, her photo comments included "Slay sis", "such a girl boss", and various emojis. However, she's gotten into a big of hot water lately when people have claimed that she's been posing as a black woman.
Last week, several users revealed that they had believed Emma was either black or mixed race. Upon realizing that she was indeed white, they claimed she had portrayed herself as a black woman in her photos.
According to tweets, fans were SHOCKED by the news.
Some have even claimed that she painted her face different skin colors in order to appear black.
Hallberg denies these claims, telling Buzzfeed News that she never claimed or tried to appear black and stating
I do not see myself as anything else than white...I get a deep tan naturally from the sun
While many have directed hate at Hallberg, others have jumped to her defense on social media saying that they "should really be ashamed for sending Emma Hallberg so much hate".