

Robin is obsessed with dogs and true crime, swears more than a "lady" should, and constantly changes her colored hair!


iPhone Hack: You Can Scan Documents Using Notes App

Have you ever had to scan something and send it to someone? But you're nowhere near a scanner? So instant panic sets in?

Well, apparently we've all been panicking for NO REASON. All this time, we've been able to scan documents straight from our iPhones and we were all just completely oblivious to the feature!

The best part is that it's SO FREAKIN' EASY! Let me just show you...

1. Open the "Notes" app

2. Click the "+" icon

Click the "scan document" button

3. Position the camera over the document

4. Take a photo of your document

Position the icons around the document and click "keep scan"

5. That's it! You're done! Document scanned!

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