Employees Put In 3,300 Hours of Overtime to Help Coworker

Andreas Graf is a 36 year old assembly worker at a design company in Germany and father of Julius Graf. When Julius was only 3 years old, he was diagnosed with Leukemia, which led to him being hospitalized for 9 months. Just before Julius was headed home, his mom suddenly passed away of heart disease, leaving only Andreas to care for their child.

Andreas' boss knew that his personal life needed to come first and that he didn't need to be worried about his job, so she reached out to his coworkers for some help. HR Manager, Pia Meier, sent an email to all of her employees asking them to donate their time to cover Andreas' shifts so he could stay at home to grieve the loss of his wife and care for his son. Within two weeks of the request, all of the 650 employees agreed to put in enough overtime to give Andreas A YEAR off of work!!

Ready for the good news? Andreas's son, Julius, is now 5 years old and feeling much better!

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