Clarissa Explains It All Is Coming Back!

Okay, let's talk about my childhood for a minute.  Back in like 5th or 6th grade, Clarissa Explains it All was like, my favorite show on TV. Okay, probably not my favorite, but I definitely watched it every time it was on.  Partially because it was a great show.

And partially because, let's be honest, Melissa Joan Hart was/is HOT.

She was my celebrity crush pretty much up until Michelle Branch picked up a guitar and crooned her way into my heart my junior year in high school.

So, imagine my excitement when I found that Clarissa could be on her way back!

This time, Hart's character Clarissa would be the mom, but very few details about the plot line have been released at this point, and Nickelodeon hasn't confirmed a start date or even an official announcement of the show's comeback.  

Two questions:

1) Is Clarissa married to Sam? Did he get permanently friend-zoned? 

2) Will the 90s-tastic theme song stay the same? PLEASE SAY YES

Either way, Clarissa will be back explaining things soon and 90s kids should be stoked.

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