I Built a House in Nashville With the Property Brothers

You've probably been hearing that Drew and Jonathan Scott, otherwise known as HGTV's Property Brothers, have been hanging around Nashville.  Well, the reason is that they're part of Habitat For Humanity's #HomeIsTheKey program, and they're in town building homes for TWO single moms - Ashlee and Amanda, and they enlisted the help of 107.5 the River to build the homes.

Two disclaimers:

1) I LOVE HGTV.  Like, a lot.  I've met a lot of celebrities in my 15 years in radio and I'm lucky enough to consider quite a few talented artists as friends. It was REALLY difficult for me to keep my composure just meeting the Property Brothers, much less having to be professional and interview them.

2) I suck at building houses.  It's not that I'm particularly "not handy", it's just that it's not a skillset that I ever really developed.  I know enough to fix a lot of what goes wrong in my house, but the actual building part of it? Yeah, that's not something I'm good at. This can be proven by the fact that it took me 142 years to hammer in this one nail (it was at a really weird angle and really high, okay?)

Or this video of me attempting to look manly while using a reciprocating saw, which was weird because usually people don't allow me around sharp objects.

Finally, they figured out that I was not going to be very helpful with the whole home-building thing, so they said "Hey, why don't you just interview the Property Brothers before you hurt someone".  Thankfully, I'm pretty good at that, so I obliged and got far away from the reciprocating saw.

And then, just to ensure that I wouldn't go back anywhere close to tools, they said "Hey, would you mind interviewing Rebecca from Nissan"?

See, Nissan is donating $1 towards Habitat For Humanity for every social media post that uses the hashtag #HomeIsTheKey (which is important, so use the hashtag and make them send money).

This build in particular is important to Nissan because, although they've been involved with Habitat for years, it's not that often they get to work right here in their hometown.  You can check out that video (along with a good 90-second photobomb from one of the Scott Brothers) below.

Okay, so on the real - if you've never been on a Habitat build, I highly recommend you do one.  Even someone who's not super handy (like me) is welcome on these job sites.  They have skilled contractors that do the heavy lifting...quite literally...and make sure no one loses a finger, but they do a great job of being inclusive and making sure that every volunteer finds a niche and can be a part of the experience.  You meet some wonderful people from all walks of life, and at the end of the day you get to BUILD A HOME for someone, which is fulfilling on every level.

This particular build will be finished up on April 26th, and we'll of course keep you updated on it every step of the way.  In the meantime, make sure you post on social media with the hashtag #HomeIsTheKey so that Nissan can donate $1 per tag to Habitat for Humanity! For more info about Habitat including how to volunteer and donate, click here. And special thanks to the Property Brothers and all the Habitat folks for letting us be a part of this special project.

BTW, another dislcaimer.  I'm not really short.  I'm 5'11.  The Scott Brothers are giant men. 

Just felt I needed to clear that up.

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