Is This The Location of Post Malone's Nashville Dive Bar Show?

It appears we know which "Dive Bar" Post Malone's Bud Light #DiveBarTour will be at tonight.

The Nashville Scene did some detective work and seems to have stumbled across the location....Exit/In.

Yes, it's DEFINITELY a stretch to call Exit/In a true "dive bar". It's a pretty popular, longstanding 500-capacity venue. But it's also no stranger to pop-up shows from major acts. It hosted Paramore's secret show last year after the release of their new album, and it's been the site of many big name shows over its long and storied history.

Local "detectives" have noticed barriers around the venue, a satellite dish that popped up out of nowhere, and police in the area, so it seems all but a lock that this is the secret location.

Anyway, dive bar or not, it's a Post Malone show in a really tiny venue and that's cool.  Make sure you follow @budlight for a live stream of the show tonight and @1075theriver on Twitter and Instagram for some videos and pics as well   

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