Affordable Housing Coming to Nashville!

With Nashville being such a popular place for people to move to, housing costs have skyrocketed. Mayor Briley joined the Nashville MDHA to break ground on new affordable housing unites in the Bordeaux Redevelopment District on Wednesday.

The plan is to have 40 units to house local police officers and teachers in the area.

Mayor Briley said the following at the groundbreaking ceremony:

Everything we do as a city, everything we are focused on as a city has to be about making sure the people who have made this place, the people who have built it long before we were the "IT" city, the people whose kids are in public schools, the people who are turning the dirt, nailing the nails have a place to live in this great place as we move forward.

The buildings will have two-bedroom and three-bedroom units and are set to be completed by fall of 2019.

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