Are The New iPhones Sexist?

Apple unveiled the new Apple iPhone series in an event last week, but not everyone is excited about the updates. The iPhone XS Max, the fanciest and most expensive of the new models, boasts a 6.5" edge-to-edge screen.  The smallest of the new releases, the iPhone Xr - is slightly smaller with a 5.8" screen.

And some people - notably women - aren't happy.

Zeynep Tufecki is a professor at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, and she points out that the new screen sizes make it difficult for women with small hands to hold.

Other women are sounding off on Twitter with similar concerns.

So the question Apple sexist? Or are they just making their products too big in general?

I opt for smaller phones in general because of how much time I spend on it. I don't have huge hands (save the jokes, I've heard them all) and with the amount of time I spend on my phone, dealing with and typing on the bigger phones sometimes causes some discomfort.

Also, completely selfishly, I like having my phone in my pocket and a 6-inch phone is bulky and awkward when I have it put away.  

So how big is too big? 6.5-inches? (Again, save the jokes).

Will you buy the iPhone XS Max? Or will you stick with the Xr because it's a little more manageable?

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