You Can Basically Get Paid To Be Buddy The Elf

I know it's not even Halloween, but before you know it we'll be into November and Christmas decorations will be everywhere you look.

One company is taking holiday cheer to a whole new level, though, and they're PAYING YOU to be a full-time Christmas elf and spread the joy.

Like, seriously, you would collect a paycheck to essentially be Buddy the Elf.

Oh, but there's a TINY catch.

The job is in Finland. And only lasts three months.

According to their job posting, Lapland Safaris - a travel resort and entertainment company in Finland - is looking for "energetic, outgoing, positive persons with good customer skills" to be an Elf to spread cheer on all their properties. 

If you're up for it, they'll help you find a place to live for three months and hook you up with a pretty sweet employee discount, but no word on what this full-time elfing gig will actually pay.

And although it's not mandated by the job posting, I'm sure a steady diet of maple syrup and candy wouldn't hurt your Elf chances.

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