Cities Offered Some Weird Incentives to Amazon In Their Headquarters Bids

It was announced earlier this week that New York Ctiy and Arlington, Virgina won the bid to be the home of Amazon's second and third headquarters. In their bids, the cities offered up over $2 billion in subsidies. 

While all the cities included money as incentive, some used more creative tactics.


In Atlanta's bid to house the new headquarters, they offered up an "Amazon Georgia Academy". read that right. Its a 24-week long state-university affiliated program that would feature boot camp programs for employees of Amazon. But they didn't stop there...they also offered a lounge and FREE PARKING for Amazon executives at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. 


You may not have known, but Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, is a BIG fan of Star Trek, so Chicago used that to their advantage. They used William Shatner to voice their video proposal! 


In a super sassy move, Toronto didn't offer ANY incentives in their bid. CEO of the Toronto Global explained, 

"Others may provide large subsidies and tax breaks, but like the Providence of Ontario, we in the Toronto Region don't want to play that game, and frankly we feel we don't need to play that game."

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