Jonas Brothers to Release Documentary: Here's Everything We Know

In 2009, I dragged my friends along to the midnight premiere of the Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience...and you can bet your a** I'd do it again! But luckily, I won't have to do that 'cause the JoBros know their fans and know that we'd so much rather sit at home on the couch.

On Monday, the Jonas Brothers announced that they've made a freakin' DOCUMENTARY that will be released on Amazon Prime, which means I can watch it from the comfort of my own couch!

There's still a lot of unknowns about the documentary, but here's what we DO know.

  1. When the group broke up, they sited a "deep rift within the band". For years, we've wondered what exactly happened! According to sources, the documentary will give us a little bit of insight into the "rift".
  2. We have the documentary to thank for the reunion! They began filming it over a year ago and at the time, there was no plan to get back together. After spending so much time together, they realized there was a "magic" when they were together.
  3. The film will follow their lives from childhood to now, which gives me a lot of hope for some unseen footage from the early Jonas days.

4. The film will include the band's family. According to Nick, "You kind of get the full range of our life story, plus our family’s perspective on everything".

5. They worked with PhilyMack on the documentary. You may recognize the name as the producer of Demi's documentary, Simply Complicated.

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