Nashville Suburb Could Become Second Amendment Sanctuary

A wave of southern communities, including right here in Tennessee, are declaring themselves as "Second Amendment Sanctuaries". Rutherford County here in Middle Tennessee could be the next one.

A public safety meeting in two weeks includes a resolution to declare the county as a sanctuary for gun rights, regardless of any kind of potential state or federal legislation.

One committee member says "The resolution as it is drafted will reaffirm our support for the Second Amendment and to protect the inalienable rights of the citizens of Rutherford County. States everywhere are having counties voting on these resolutions to reaffirm their support of the Second Amendment, the Constitution and to urge control to prevent laws that violate our Second Amendment. ... Sometimes you have to take a stand."

The resolution is in response to "red flag" laws being passed nationwide, which authorize courts to temporarily remove firearms from people that they deem dangerous.

Similar sanctuary resolutions have been passed in other counties in Tennessee, largely in the eastern part of the state.

What do you think? A reasonable resolution meant to protect the rights of its citizens? Or an overreaction based on fear?

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