6-Year-Old Boy from Tennessee with Cystic Fibrosis Beats COVID-19

We all need a bit of an emotional pick-me-up these days, amiright?

Today's feel-good story comes right from ~*OuR OwN bAcKyArD*~ in Clarksville, Tennessee.

You see, there's a 6-year-old little boy named Joseph Bostain who just beat COVID-19 -- an altogether miraculous recovery, given the fact that he has cystic fibrosis [an genetic disease that affects lung function].

Joseph was diagnosed back in March after being tested for experiencing symptoms like a fever, cough and fatigue. Since he has CF, his doctors recommended that he stay in isolation for two weeks -- and during his quarantine period, he received an outpouring of support from all over the world!

We're so happy that Joseph is feeling better, and are sending his family all our love.

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