Men Who Like Cats Are Scientifically Less Attractive

Dogs are better than cats. That's just a fact, and my mind can not be changed.

And now, here's some scientific evidence that dogs ARE better than cats, at least when it comes to attracting a romantic partner.

A study out of Colorado State University asked 700 women to rate the attractiveness of several male subjects. They were then asked to rate the same males, but this time with them holding a cat.

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The results? Overwhelmingly the women rated the cat-loving dudes as less attractive and dateable. They were also viewed as "more neurotic" while holding a cat.

The one exception to the rule was women that describe themselves as "cat lovers". The attraction levels did not change with that demographic.

Moral of the story?

Dogs are better than cats.

Final answer.

By the way, yes this is an actual published scientific study. Check out the complete results here

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