NASA Renames Headquarters After Its First Black Female Engineer

NASA just announced that they're renaming their headquarters in Washington D.C. for their first Black female engineer, Mary W. Jackson.

Jackson started her NASA career in the segregated West Area Computing Unit at Langley Research Center in Virginia. [If you're not familiar with the story, the unit was featured in the movie Hidden Figures in 2016. Mary was portrayed by Janelle Monae. Go watch!]

It's nice to see Black women get proper recognition and reverence for their incredible contributions to our society, and I hope more of this is coming. Way to go, NASA!

Meanwhile, there still has been no justice for Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman living in Louisville, KY who was shot and killed by police who were wrongfully carrying out a no-knock-warrant at her home in the middle of the night. Details on how to help below.

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