Nashville Going Back To Modified Phase 2 Reopening As COVID-19 Cases Spike

With Nashville seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases, Mayor Cooper made the announcement today that Nashville will be reverting back to Phase 2, with a few modifications.

Starting Friday, July 3rd, and for the next several weeks at least, Nashville will revert to a ‘Phase Two with modifications’ of the ‘Roadmap for Reopening Nashville.’

Here's what the new modifications are going into place:

Phase 2 with modifications:

  • Gathering size is 25 people
  • Restaurants will move back from 75 percent capacity to 50 percent capacity
  • Metro Parks facilities opened in Phase Three will remain open, including dog parks, skate parks, basketball courts, and playgrounds.
  • Recreational leagues and pools will still be permitted, as Metro Health officials say outbreaks have not been traced back to these venues or activities.
  • All bars in Davidson County, known as ‘limited service restaurants’ that derive the majority of their revenue from alcohol sales, are ordered to shut down beginning Friday for 14 days.

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