Tennessee Law Firm Offers Free Divorce For Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is so often a day of romance, love, and a celebration of your better half.

Except when it's not. For some couples, Valentine's Day serves as an unpleasant reminder that your marriage just isn't what you want it to be. And while divorce may be the best option, it's not always the most practical. Thousands of dollars in legal fees can add up in a hurry, which is why a law firm in Crossville, Tennessee is offering the OPPOSITE of a romantic Valentine's Day - a free divorce.

Getty Images / Kittiphan Teerawattanakul

The Powers Law Firm posted a Facebook post last week offering a free divorce to one couple, assuming of course that both parties agree that divorce is the best path forward. And while it seems sort of crass, the firm's divorce services START at $1,150, so it's actually a pretty great deal if a couple is worried about those legal fees stacking up.

In the post, the law firm lays out a few ground rules for the contest. The divorce must be agreed by both parties, and contestants must submit a story as to why they wish to get divorced by Monday, February 15th. There are no other stipulations laid out.

So, would you enter to win a V-day divorce?

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