Guy on bike hit by car in shocking video sparking debate of who's at fault

In a video that was caught on a dashcam and posted to a dashcam group on Facebook, a car comes speeding down the street and hitting a guy on a bike in the process.

However, after the video made the rounds, debate had sparked as to who is at fault, especially since the cyclist wasn't in a bike path when going from one side of the street to the other.

According to Daily Dot:

The cyclist is seen tumbling over the vehicle after being hit, and his helmet detaches from his head as he falls onto nearby concrete. The cyclist stands on his feet and stumbles toward the driver to talk. The cyclist falls to the ground, and the driver and passengers in another car run to assist him as the footage concludes.

The cyclist, 15, had non-threatening injuries to his legs and was taken to the hospital, 9News reports. New South Wales Police said that the March 12 incident is unlikely to result in charges because the “cyclist had ridden into the path of the car,” per 9News.

Who do you think is at fault?

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