The U.S. Is Experiencing A Major Bus Driver Shortage

There is currently a massive shortage of bus drivers across the country.

There was always a struggle to find drivers but due to the pandemic it's gotten worse since the majority of drivers were 65 or older and were especially vulnerable to contracting coronavirus. A school ride-service company HopSkipDrive, which tracks school bus issues, found that 80% of districts who responded that they're having trouble finding bus drivers.

States have decided to take a different approach to the issue, in hopes of fixing the issue. Certain states have started to offer incentives, like a sign on bonus in order to get more drivers. Other states have given incentives to parents for them to find their own transportation for their children.

It's been a struggle that Tennessee has experienced as well. I, personally, was at a John Overton High School a few weeks ago to welcome the students back to in-person classes and they hit a major issue with not enough bus drivers. Kids were late to school because they had to send out the other bus drivers to take a different route and pick up more kids.

If you're looking for a new job and you think you'd be a good fit, you can apply for a position driving buses in Nashville Metro here:

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