There's A Turkey Shortage And It May Impact Your Thanksgiving

We have a slight issue this Thanksgiving... there's currently a turkey shortage happening across the country.

The pandemic had a very negative impact on turkey farming. Because of the pandemic we had smaller family gatherings last year (meaning smaller turkeys needed), factory shut downs, and rising corn and grain prices. Farms just can't breed large turkeys, around 14 pounds, like they could before. Grocery stores have seen a 50% decrease in their supply of large turkeys.

"It's a very precise schedule to get the turkey to the size of 14 pounds or less and the plants weren't able to keep up with that size." Daniel Romanoff, the president of meat distributor Nebraskaland, told The New York Post.

Looks like more people will have to buy frozen turkeys this year. So make sure you prepare to defrost that bad boy DAYS before you plan to cook it.

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