Tennessee Mom Goes Viral For Yelling At Bus Driver

A mom in Washington County is going viral after confronting a bus driver who reportedly was repeatedly yelling at kids on the bus.

Cassandra Rubi's daughter kept coming home upset and crying every day, allegedly from being yelled at on the bus. Cassandra posted the exchange with the bus driver on TikTok, where it's been viewed over 30 million times.

The bus driver's response?? "I don't yell at your kids. You shut your mouth. How dare you."


The Washington County School district replaced the bus driver on this mother's route, and released a statement about the incident.

The Washington County Schools (WCS) administration is taking immediate and decisive action to address a complaint made to school officials alleging employee misconduct of a WCS bus driver captured on video during a bus route yesterday, Tuesday, September 28, 2021. The physical and social-emotional well-being of our students and staff remains a top priority. It is our policy to fully investigate all allegations and take necessary actions upon completion of the investigation process.

The District cannot discuss confidential personnel matters. However, we want to assure all of our stakeholders of the Washington County Schools community that all allegations of misconduct are taken seriously by the District. Steps will be taken to address any misconduct that does not align to our district’s and community’s expectations of professional conduct.

The bus driver clearly went over the line with her response, but was she right to be upset about the confrontation? What would you have done if it was your kids on that bus?

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