Woman Poops Herself While Running Marathon-- Finishes With Her Best Time

Tamara Torlakson is my new hero. She was running a marathon when nature called halfway through.

Around mile 13, which is about halfway through of the 26.2 mile race, Tamara had to make the ultimate choice. Should she relieve herself and keep on running or should she stop and give up the race.

As a runner, in her sixth race and first since having a baby, she decided she would keep it going and keep it flowing. She pooped her pants as she was running and ended up finishing the marathon by beating her previous time.

“Non running friends, this story might be a might much but for my running friends, you’ve already known this story for years or you won’t be surprised by it,” Torlakson wrote. “Also it’s just poop, I don’t find it to be gross or a big deal.”

This is a level of dedication that I would like to have for literally anything in my life. To be able to poop while running is one thing... but then to continue running for another 13 miles after that?! Genuinely impressive.

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