Ohio Mayor Claims Ice Fishing Leads to Prostitution

Hudson, Ohio is a small town near the Ohio/Pennsylvania border. It's not really famous for anything...until their Mayor decided that ice fishing would lead to prostitution.

Ice fishing is obviously highly popular this time of year, with frozen lakes and ponds providing people the opportunity to do something unique. But, according to Hudson's Mayor Craig Shubert, he believes that ice fishing shouldn't be allowed at a local park.

"If you open this up to ice fishing, while on the surface it sounds good, then what happens next year? Does someone come back and say 'I want an ice shanty for X-amount of time?"

He's referring, by the way, to the small portable shelters used during ice fishing.

"And if you then allow ice fishing with shanties, then that leads to another problem - prostitution," he claims in the City Council meeting.

I'm assuming he thinks that prostitutes will start renting out ice shanties by the hour? But also, wouldn't that be SUPER uncomfortable and cold? And it's not like most of these temporary shelters are large. A simple Google search reveals that even a fancy ice shanty is realistically only about 8 feet about 8 feet, and most are much smaller than that. Not to say that you can't find ones that are larger, but they are NOT designed for comfort.

But, apparently, ice fishing is a slippery slope to illegal activity. Just take it from that guy.

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