Stressed Out? Try This 5-4-3-2-1 Trick!

Everyone seems to be more stressed out than ever these days, so we'll try any trick we can find to help put ourselves in a better headspace. Well, here's one that I just discovered that actually works pretty great! The idea behind the "5-4-3-2-1" Method is that it distracts your brain and helps you focus on the present instead of the borrowed worry that's bringing you down.

Next time you're stressed, try this.

5. Think of five things you can SEE right now, and they can be anything. Like a tree, the sky, or even your own hands.

4. Think of four things you can physically FEEL right now. Like your heartbeat, or how warm the sun is.

3. Listen for three things you can HEAR. Like wind blowing, the traffic around you, or the sound of someone's voice.

2. Think of two things you can SMELL right now. Things like coffee or fresh-cut grass are great . . . but unpleasant smells work too. It just has to be something around you.

1. Focus on one thing you can TASTE. You can pop some gum in if you want. But even just licking your lips is fine.

So 5-4-3-2-1? Got it! Now take a deep breath, try it, and see if you feel better!

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