Interviewing for a job is pretty stressful. It's even more stressful when you get insulted in the process. That's what happened to Jasmine (@madumjas on TikTok). She applied for a job and got quite the unexpected text from the potential employer.
Hey Jasmine, I'm just follow up on our paperwork appointment from Monday, are you still interested in the position you piece of crap
As you can imagine, Jasmine was pretty put off by this and chose not to pursue the job. She posted the exchange on TikTok and claims the employer blamed it on a misspelled word. The video has been viewed nearly a million times.
I gotta tell you, I actually buy the employer's story of a misspelled word here.
My GUESS is that the text was meant to say "Are you still interested in the position you applied for," and the person misspelled the word "applied," which autocorrected to "piece of crap". Multiple reasons for me thinking this.
- Autocorrect sucks, and we've all been the victim of it from time to time. I can't even tell you the number of times that I've texted someone "Have sex" instead of "have a sec". My fingers get going too fast, and things happen
- It's pretty obvious that the employer doesn't really pay attention to detail in their text. There's a pretty big grammatical error ("follow" instead of "following") and no question mark at the end
- Who, in their right mind in 2022, knowing that the internet is a thing, is going to intentionally text a potential employee and call them a piece of crap? OBVIOUSLY that would be posted and likely bring about disciplinary action against the hiring manager, not to mention the wrath of social media
Usually I'm taking the side of the person being hired here, but in this case I think she's being super dramatic and overreacting to what is clearly a mistake. What do you think?