Is This "Healthy Coke" Or Just A Disgusting Liquid?

I am a man of very few vices. I drink only socially, I don't do drugs or smoke, I eat decently healthy and work out several days a week.

I, however, LOVE soda. I've tried to quit, often, and have never lasted more than a few weeks. So I saw this TikTok trend and thought "Well, maybe this could work"

TikTok user @mandyvjones says her pilates instructor mixes balsamic vinegar with sparkling water, and it tastes JUST like a Coke, but obviously without all the sugar and acid that goes along with the actual soda.

Now, I'll give her LOOKS like a Coke. The video's been viewed over 5 million times, and reviews have been mixed. Some commenters agree that it tastes enough like Coke to be passable. Others say it tastes absolutely terrible. I'm gonna try this tomorrow, and I'll report back, but I'd be willing to bet a hundred bucks that it tastes NOTHING like a Coke. We'll see.

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