TikTok Viral Pink Sauce (That Wasn't FDA Approved) Has A New Licensing Deal

Chef Pii went viral on TikTok for the creation of her "Pink Sauce," but it wasn't because of how good it tastes. It was because her packaging was terrible and her sauce wasn't approved by the FDA for consumption.

Now it seems she has found a way to sell her Pink Sauce the right way. Dave's Gourmet has went in on a licensing deal with her for her Pink Sauce.

“Her [TikTok] following was both impressive in size but also saddening in the viciousness of many of their comments. We reached out to her via a DM and she quickly replied,” David Neuman, the President of Dave's Gourmet says. “After a number of business discussions with her and her legal representatives, we made a mutually beneficial deal.”

They are hopeful they can get the product on shelves and in restaurants by December of this year.

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