Nashville Rally Against Racism Planned For Today!

Everyday I get more and more proud to be a native Nashvillian because of the way the community comes together to stands for things that we believe in!

Today is the "Stand Against Racism" rally in downtown Nashville at public square park!

YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee put together this rally to fulfill their mission of eliminating racism!

This year, the YWCA and its partners are holding a community rally, Stand Against Racism.

Nashville Mayor David Briley, Civil Rights Activist and retired TSU Professor Gloria McKissack, Legal Aid Exec. Dir. DarKenya Waller, and singer Dara Tucker are featured in the Friday rally. 

The Stand Against Racism is a signature campaign of YWCA USA and is part of the larger national strategy to fulfill our mission of eliminating racism. Race and the legacy of discrimination continue to affect our lives – whether in our everyday interactions with others at work, school, or in our neighborhoods and communities.The Stand Against Racism is co-sponsored by the Tennessee Human Rights Commission and Metro Human Relations Commission.

The rally is TODAY from 11:30 - 1pm in Public Square Park!

In the event of rain, the Friday Stand Against Racism event will move into the Historic Metro Courthouse

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