Meghan Markle's Brother Writes Letter To Prince Harry To Call Off Wedding!

Princess Meghan... has a great ring to it right?!

American actress, Meghan Markle, is set to marry Prince Harry on May 19th and this is like my SUPERBOWL!! haha I legit cannot wait!

I can't wait to see her dress! I can't wait to see who attends! I can't wait to see who performs! I JUST CANT WAIT!

Meghan Markle's brother is apparently LIVID about the marriage and had written Prince Harry a note trying to convince him to call off the wedding with her!

The letter says:

“It’s very apparent that her tiny bit of Hollywood fame has gone to her head, changing her into a jaded, shallow, conceited woman that will make a joke of you and the royal family heritage."

"What kind of person starts out by using her own father until he's bankrupt, then forgets about him in Mexico and leaving him broke over mostly all her debt!"

READ the entire letter here!!

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