Woman's Breast Implant Saves Her Life After Being Shot!

A woman who thankfully survived a close-range gunshot to the chest, was allegedly saved because of her silicone breast implants, doctors believe!

The gunshot took place in 2018 in Toronto, Canada -- and is apparently one of only a handful of instances recorded where a breast implant has played a role in saving a patient's life! Doctors are noting that the silicone implant was likely responsible for deflecting the bullets trajectory **ultimately saving the woman's life**!

SAGE Journals revealed how the breast implant changed the trajectory of the bullet by stating:

Here, we report a case of a 30-year-old female patient with a ballistic injury to bilateral breast implants, where the silicone implant was likely responsible for deflecting the bullets trajectory and saving the women’s life. Ballistics analysis of bullet trajectory was performed with high-resolution computed tomography scan analysis. Operative management was implant removal, pocket irrigation, and a short course of antibiotics.
The patient reported walking down street and feeling heat and pain in her left chest, looking down and seeing blood, and taking herself into the local emergency department. The firearm was never recovered, and the shooter remains unknown. The patient was transferred to our trauma center in stable condition with no additional injuries. Clinical examination revealed a comfortable patient in no distress with a single entry wound in the superior pole of the left breast. The entry wound demonstrated thermal injury surrounding the bullet hole indicating a close proximity to the discharging firearm. A hard, subcutaneous, bullet-like mass was also palpable in the right lower anterior thoracic wall inferior to the right breast. Trauma radiographs demonstrate the radio-opaque bullet in the right lateral thoracic wall, a fractured rib and gas in the left breast. These 3 pieces of evidence give clues to the bullets trajectory from left breast entrance to right thoracic wall resting place.

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