Infected Nashville Surgeon Teaches Lung Clearing Techniques!

If you're diagnosed with COVID-19, most of the time you'll be sent home to ride it out **unless you need to be on a ventilator**

But what does it mean to ride it out at home?? How do you alleviate symptoms and start to heal?

Nashville orthopedic surgeon, Missy Chamberland, has been sick with COVID-19 for more then five weeks && has started posting a daily update on YouTube on different breathing exercises and even how to drain your lungs of mucus!

Apparently the process of clearing people's lungs is called, pulmonary toilet -- which is literally the technique to flush your lungs of all of the gunk that can kill you!

One of the techniques that Dr. Chamberland teaches you via Youtube is called, lung drumming, where you cup your hands and drum the phlegm loose in your lungs. A multitude of different times when Dr. Chamberland thought she was about to stop breathing, she had her husband drum her back, and after just 15 minutes, her temperature would drop an entire degree!

Dr. Chamberland said:

All of a sudden the crap and mucus that's in there that needs to be flushed out starts to move rolling out, and then you feel the triggered cough and you cough it up

WATCH some her her videos here!

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