Tennessee Scores An ‘F’ In social Distancing!

According to the CDC, 'social distancing' is the BEST method for preventing the spread of COVID-19.

On March 30, Tennessee Governor, Bill Lee, issued the first 'Safer At Home' order -- since that date, Unacast has been using cellphone GPA data to gauge just how well are doing at social distancing.

With guidelines beginning to loosen across the state, Unacast data shows that we are actually doing WORSE than before at staying apart. Tennessee's score on Unacast's Social Distancing Scoreboard is ....... an 'F'!

Specifically in Davidson County, where restrictions are just NOW being loosened, the score is a C-!

Just a quick reminder, according to the CDC, symptoms will appear somewhere between 2 & 14 days after exposure to the virus.

CLICK HERE to see all of the tracking data from Unacast!

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