Beautiful Places To Camp Around Tennessee

With warmer weather approaching, it means a lot more time will be spent outside. There are so many things to do in Tennessee when it get's warmer. One thing that families will be doing is camping on the weekend. Might be with the family, friends, boy scouts or girl scouts. Here is a list of some of the best places you can camp around Tennessee and this is in particular order either

Long Hunter State Park

Just a real quick drive outside of Nashville, Long Hunter State park would be a great place to go for a weekend getaway.

Fall Creek FallsCool thing about Fall Creek Falls there are a couple of waterfalls which are very beautiful. It's about a 2 hour drive outside of Nashville but the waterfalls are totally worth the drive.

Indian Boundary Campground

Located in Telico Plans, it's about 4 hours outside of Nashville but the views are so BEAUTIFUL that it is absolutely worth the drive!

So as you're getting ready to make those weekend plans when the weather is staying warm you can visit these place to camp and if you'd like to see a bunch more awesome places to camp, Best of Tennessee has a list of even more beautiful places to camp that you can check out HERE >>

So grab the family and get ready for some camping.

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