Tennessee Middle School Students Find Bugs In Their Lunches

When you sit down for lunch the last thing you want to see are bugs in your food right?! Well for a few middle school students at Madisonville Middle School in Monroe County, a student noticed something very strange in their food. They found bugs in their lunch!

Now I don't know about you, but if that happened to me, I would probably not be eating lunch at school for a while and I'd be bringing my lunch! Well, the school board had addressed the issues and they are calling the bugs flour mites that the student found in their granola.

Now you think, ok maybe the bugs are gone...not so fast!!  According to reports, more bugs were found, but this time they were found in fruit. Now I understand that is a common thing, but bugs in food found twice in one week?

The bug situation has caused some heated conversations during the board meetings and kids at the school will now start bringing their lunches to school from now on. The school board is looking into this issues and will work on fixing the problem.

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