Haunted Hospital Outside Of Nashville Is The Most Haunted Place In US

One thing I love is haunted stuff. I love getting to read about it and maybe just maybe one day I'll get up the courage to go and visit some of these places that I write about! One place in particular that I really want to visit is in Louisville Kentucky! 

It's about a 2-3 hour drive outside of Nashville depending on how fast you're going. There is a place up there that for the longest I have always wanted to go! That place is the Waverly Hills Sanatorium! 

You see back in the day, Waverly Hills Sanatorium was a hospital for tuberculosis patients. They opened their door in 1910. While there, patients who came down with TB were treated and some according to stories were treated with experiemental treatments that cost some of the patients their lives! 

Some of the patients that were treated there made it out alive while others weren't so lucky! Some of those patients that didn't make it was said to be roaming the halls of the sanatorium. There has been proof that in fact, this place is the most haunted place in America. Check out some of the photos and video below!

Heads up the video below does have some bad words in it LOL!

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