Located in the heart of downtown Nashville, there is a really cool milkshake bar! Let me introduce you to the Legendairy Milkshake Bar!
As you can tell these aren't your ordinary milkshakes! The Legendairy Milkshake Bar is the only one of it’s kind. They just celebrated being open for a year and in one year’s time, Legendairy has become a must visit in Nashville. The Legendairy Milkshake Bar is the only milkshake bar in Nashville currently, and is located on 3rd Avenue North next to Demos’ Restaurant.
Their milkshakes are as big as your head and I'm pretty sure if you can vision something on your milkshake, chances are they can make it for you! My favorite milkshake there is the Rolling In The Dough!
Read more about the Legendairy Milkshake Bar & check out their menu HERE!