Body Cam Footage Shows Metro Police Officer Respond to Nashville Bombing

Christmas morning 2020 in Nashville will be a morning we will never forget. We woke up to the news of an explosion on 2nd Ave damaging buildings, leaving people homeless and sending 3 people to the hospital. Thanks to 6 brave officers, they risked their lives to get people out of harms way when they heard the warnings from what we know was an RV set to explode.

As more information came out about the bombing, it was reported who was the one behind the Christmas morning bombing Nashville Bombing Suspect Identified But No Motive Has Been Determined.

Today, Metro Nashville Police released the body camera footage from Officer Michael Sipos. Sipos was one of the six officers that helped families evacuate before the Christmas morning bombing. In the video below, released by the MNPD, it shows everything before and after the blast.

You can see the RV around the 1:57 mark and hear the recorded message playing. The 6 officers started knocking on doors to get everyone to safety before the blast.

Warning, video below can be disturbing for some.

Thank you, Officer Brenna Hosey, Officer James Luellen, Officer Michael Sipos, Officer Amanda Topping, Officer James Wells, and Sergeant Timothy Miller for your calm under pressure. You saved lives.

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