That was the tweet that Katy Perry sent out early this morning after announcing that her new single, which drops at 11pm Thursday night, would be called "Chained to the Rhythm". Turns out, Katy hid these disco balls in random places around the country, pre-loaded with a 90-second clip of the new single.
And then...she tweeted out a map
And, for the record, we checked. There's not one in Nashville (what's up with that, Katy?) In fact, the closest disco ball is in Atlanta, GA, which was a little far for us to drive.
But, thankfully, the fine human beings at Buzzfeed discovered that one was in a park in Brooklyn, pretty close to their offices.
And, because they love us, they went out and found it. Check out the journey here
"Chained to the Rhythm" drops at 11:01pm CST on Thursday night, and we'll be hitting it for you EVERY SINGLE HOUR on 107.5 the River because we know you can't get enough!