Okay, first of all, if you don't agree that sharks are some of the coolest creatures on the planet, please move onto another article.
Okay, now that THAT'S out of the way, this story makes me super sad. Cyclone Debbie hit near the Australian port city of Ayr on Tuesday, and reporters and government officials are making their way along the coastline to assess the damage.
During one of their excursions, a journalist ran across something he wasn't quite expecting to find....a bull shark in the middle of the road.
Sadly (and as expected) the bull shark didn't survive, which as a perennial Shark Week viewer and former Marine Biology major, is the saddest part of the whole story.
The Queensland Fire & Emergency Department tweeted out the pictures along with a warning to locals that the flood waters are not safe. Remember that bull sharks are considered one of the most aggressive breeds towards humans.
Most of the response on Twitter has been similar to mine....RIP to the poor shark.
But, considering how it got there....you know that some people were gonna go to the obvious. GOTTA BE A SHARKNADO.
SyFy puns aside, RIP SHARK!!!