What was a staple for so many of our childhoods will not be so for our kids.
Founded in 1948, Toys "R" Us has been struggling for years as Amazon and other online retailers has dipped into their business. Just last week, it was announced that several stores were closing, and today the final nail in the coffin hit, as the retail giant announced it's officially going out of business.
Employees were informed that all stores would be sold or shut down in a matter of time, which honestly BREAKS MY HEART.
I remember being a kid and my parents taking me to Toys "R" Us was a treat every month if I got good grades. There was just an energy to that store that couldn't be duplicated anywhere else. The big goofy giraffe logo (RIP Geoffrey), the colorful entrance, the aisles and aisles of GI-Joes, Ninja Turtles, Matchbox cars, NERF guns, and video games.
My parents bought my first video game system (the O.G. Nintendo) from Toys "R" Us, and I could easily spend hours in there just checking out all the toys that defined my childhood.
Now, with an 18-month old at home, I was really looking forward to taking him there in a couple of years and letting him pick out his favorite toy, watching the smile light up his face as we headed to the register to make it officially HIS toy.
Oh well, all good things must come to an end I suppose. RIP Toys "R" Us and thanks for the memories.