Concordia Station is an incredibly remote scientific station in Antarctica that is further from human civilization than the International Space Station. And it is COLD.
The station can not be reached or left nine months out of the year because during that time period it is too cold for vehicles to operate. The station houses 13 scientists, including Cyprien Verseux, a French glaciologist who's one of those stationed on the icy continent.
And his Twitter account is LIT.
He's made it his personal mission to share the joys (and perils) of cooking when it's often -70 degrees Celsius.
You know, whenever stuff freezes COMING OUT OF THE PAN.
Even snacks are difficult to come by. I'm not sure exactly what this is supposed to be, but it appears to be some Nutella concoction that ends up looking like a terrifying jellyfish.
Scrambled Eggs? Yeah, good luck with that.
And eating is pretty difficult when your utensils can be held up on their own.
This doesn't look terribly appetizing...
Follow Cyprien on Twitter here. He just started tweeting these pics about a week ago, so let's hope he keeps the entertainment coming!