Rumors of a One Direction reunion have been there since basically the day the band broke up five years ago. But they've picked up a lot of steam lately with the group's upcoming 10th anniversary. Some kind of reunion seems inevitable, whether it's a new single, a TV special, or a tour
But if you get on Twitter today, you'll notice that the NUMBER ONE TRENDING TOPIC in the world is #1DOnlineConcertStayAtHome.
So is this happening? Are the boys planning a COVID-19 related online concert from their respective living rooms?
Well, the short answer
The longer answer, at least not yet.
The fandom started a trend in hopes of getting the guys to pay attention...and I'm betting that they're definitely paying attention with stats like this.
Oh, and there IS a streaming party for 1D stans on the website Mixlr to stay at home the guys' music, both as a band and as solo artists.
But, as of right now, there have been no announcements from the guys, and the official 1D twitter account still hasn't had an active tweet since 2018, and the members of the band have been silent about the worldwide trend. So we'll just have to keep trying and hoping!!
After all, we know the technology is there to do a concert from living rooms. We did it with the freakin' Backstreet Boys during our iHeartRadio Living Room Concert for America....
FOX Presents The iHeart Living Room Concert for America
By kratoville
So guys, whaddya think? In these dark times, don't you think we need a little One Direction in our lives??
In the mean time, we'll just have to have our own listening party and pretend the trend is a reality.