If you hate spiders, I've got bad news for you. There's a new invasive spider species called the "Joro Spider" that is spreading across the Southeastern United States.
Photo: Getty Images
The "trichophilia clavata" is an orb-weaver, which means it makes its own webs. This particular species originates from Asia, but was first discovered in the US in 2014. The female Joro spider is dark blue with very bright yellow stripes and a round red spot on its belly. It also happens to be huge. A mature female can be up to three inches across. Males are significantly smaller and less colorful.
The good news is that these spiders are pretty harmless, despite the fact that they look like something from a horror movie. The Joro spider, like most orb-weavers, actually help keep your yard free of mosquitos and stink bugs. They will bite if they feel threatened, but they're non-venomous and the bite isn't terribly painful.
Either way, be on the lookout for the Joro spider (and use it to scare your friends that don't like spiders)!