Thousands of kids go home every single day from school to a family or household that doesn't have a roof over their head, food for dinner, or even a place to sleep.
A school district in Indiana is doing something amazing and taking steps to make sure children have enough to eat, even when they're not at school!
Students in Indiana, more specifically Woodland Elementary, usually get breakfast and lunch at school.. but what happens when they go home on the weekends? They may not have access to food at all.
An amazing non-profit organization, named Cultivate, teamed up with the school to use unused food and turn it into weekend meals for a small group of students!
A source for 'Cultivate" spoke about how the partnership came to fruition:
"Mostly we rescue food that's been made but never served by catering companies, large food service businesses, like the school system. You don't always think of a school system, and over-preparing is just part of what happens. And we take that well-prepared prepared food combine it with other food and make individual frozen meals out of it."
According to WSBT, 20 students are in the pilot food program. Those students receive a backpack every Friday with eight individual frozen meals.