Time is running out to submit your bank account information in order to get your $1,200 stimulus payment via direct deposit!
The Internal Revenue Service announced on Friday, that people have a deadline of 11 AM CST, on Wednesday to submit their direct deposit information.
According to The Treasury Department, they have sent nearly 130 million payments, totaling $218 billion so far! About 20 million people are still waiting to receive their funds! Clearly, the mailing out payments is a LONGGG process, because the Treasury can only print a certain amount of checks per week.
If you want to receive your stimulus payment more quickly, you have to submit your direct deposit information before Wednesday at 11AM!
After the deadline, the government will start sending paper checks that will arrive later this month, into June.
There is also a Get My Payment tool that is updated DAILY so you can check the status of your stimulus check!