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Videos Show Minneapolis Cops Slashing Tires Of Medical Workers & Protesters

Amid all of the protests in Minneapolis; healthcare workers, members of the media and even protesters found their vehicles with slashed tires. At first, everyone thought it was just damage caused by unruly protesters.

Video's have come to surface showing members of law enforcement strategically slashing the tires of dozens of vehicles as part of the response to protests in Minneapolis.

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety confirmed that officers from two law enforcement agencies are to blame for the slashing of tires.

A spokesman for the Department of Public Safety told The Star Tribune; Minnesota state troopers and deputies from the Anoka County Sheriff's office punctured and deflated tires in a 'few locations'

Bruce Gordon, spokesman for The Department of Public Safety, went on to state:

State Patrol troopers strategically deflated tires ... in order to stop behaviors such as vehicles driving dangerously and at high speeds in and around protesters and law enforcement

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