Moe's Southwest Grill has created the perfect spicy getaway.
Their Airbnb is located in the Upper East Side neighborhood in Miami and it "has wall-to-wall spicy food decor, including a round bed with a tortilla comforter that you’ll want to wrap yourself up in right away. The Spicy Shack also has a gorgeous private patio in the back that is lit with adorable pepper-shaped lights," according to "Elite Daily."
Sounds like a fun little getaway! Right now you can stay for only $10 a night and you'll get a $500 travel voucher. You'll have to be quick though. Only a few people will get a stay.
Your chance to book starts on April 12th at noon ET and reservations will only be available for four weekends in May:
- Thursday, May 5 through Sunday, May 8
- Friday, May 13 through Sunday, May 15
- Friday, May 20 through Sunday, May 22
- Friday, May 27 through Sunday, May 29